“Drug Allergy in Armenia: the objectives and ways to solve them” – the thematic grant project №18T-3B157 which was implemented from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2020 by the financing of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of RA, head of the project – Zaruhi G. Kalikyan. The project was implemented with the purpose to study the various aspects of drug allergy problem comprehensively, to conduct a situational analysis and to offer scientifically proved solutions, contributing the improvement of the drug-induced allergic reactions’ prevention. In the frame of the project two surveys were conducted both among the population and healthcare providers of Armenia, a guideline for the diagnosis and management of drug allergy was developed and implemented, the current diagnostic procedures of drug allergy were clarified, an electronic database of patients with severe drug reactions who received treatment for drug-induced reactions in the University clinics was created, a database of medicines including the lists of causal, cross-reacted, and alternative medicines was created. Besides, informational materials both for healthcare providers and patients were developed. About 15 scientific works have already published or prepared for publication in the frame of project. The “Algorithm for management of the patients with drug allergy” is being prepared for approval to implement in the medical institutions of Armenia.
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- Allergic and immune disorders
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